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You've been here for 15 years. You shouldn't have to ask why posting comments depicting the SS as after-all-not-so-bad and really-just-defensive, might come across as flamebait or trolling.

Please don't post like that to HN again.

I'm sorry, but this is just a historical fact that core Wafen-SS was very different from some auxiliary units. There's Nuremberg trials and plenty of research came after that.

As far as I understand Hacker in HN stands for hacking both technology and mainstream culture to build a better future. And discussing troublesome historical events is a part of it. IMO a huge portion of political divide in West is precisely because many historical events are brushed under the carpet with very vague understanding.

Personally I like reading HN threads that go deep discussing such topics in other parts of the world. Of course, as long as discussions are civil and based on facts rather than name calling.

Discussing troublesome events may be part of it, but not the way you were doing it in this thread, which was trolling in effect, if not intention.


The part that you seem to be missing is in this guideline: "Comments should get more thoughtful and substantive, not less, as a topic gets more divisive." - https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

Part of what "thoughtful" means is taking into account how your posts might be landing with others, especially those on the other side of divides like this one.

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