So, it's probably a good example then, since we currently accept the building of parking lots.
The point is, people are always writing letters to the editor and what-not when some green tech has some environmental impact, far more than they do over their city making another parking lot or any of a million other things. I assume it's because it triggers some notion of hypocrisy. c.f. wind turbines and dead birds.
How about we put our energy into fighting cars and parking lots first, before we worry about solar-powered desalination that could potentially save the Western states from the over-extraction of water that's turning them into dust bowls?
The point is, people are always writing letters to the editor and what-not when some green tech has some environmental impact, far more than they do over their city making another parking lot or any of a million other things. I assume it's because it triggers some notion of hypocrisy. c.f. wind turbines and dead birds.
How about we put our energy into fighting cars and parking lots first, before we worry about solar-powered desalination that could potentially save the Western states from the over-extraction of water that's turning them into dust bowls?