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what alternatives exist?

I literally just switched to insomnia due to postman doing this so I'm a bit stuck now. Do I go back to fiddler?

I ditched all these in favour of curl or xh a couple of years ago. Keep my recipes in shell scripts with documentation. Solves everything for me.

This makes it relatively easy to chain calls if necessary - call one api to get a authn token and then call another with the token you just got. I think that postman and insomnia can do that, but it's a breeze from the command line.

Not exactly the same, but I switched from Insomnia to Hurl. https://hurl.dev/

this is interesting, thank you

Thanks for mentioning Hurl [1] (maintainer here!)

If you're looking for a tool with a nice UI, Hurl might not be the ideal choice. We're focusing our tool on CLI usage and CI/CD integration.

On the other side, Hurl is a pure Open Source tool, we're not VC backed. The tool is given to the community by a big French telco, Orange, which use it and has no intention to be in the software business. In a word, there is less chance for Hurl to fell into Postman or Insomnia fate...

[1]: https://hurl.dev

Just downloaded Bruno and it looks great! Thanks very much.

Paw is always an option if you are on a Mac... I don't know if it available on PC

They were bought by rapid API so there might be a Mac version now

I was really disappointed with the Rapid API buyout, but anyway, the client for Mac seems essentially unchanged, is the good news.

The weird thing is that I can find NO mention of the client on their site: https://rapidapi.com/products/build-apis/

Which, to me, is a bad sign. I suspect someday I'll be forced to give it up.

If you need gRPC, I can recommend https://kreya.app/

I've been using LiveBook and doing my requests and such in there. If you're not an Elixir shop you could probably do something similar with jupyter

Thunder Client VS Code extension.

Unfortunately I think they’re doing similar things with this extension. Last I checked, they locked some functionality behind a paywall that was formerly free and now they have several weird tiers of pricing with revenue limits and other bullshit.


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