Well, they had the option to do this with Tivo and instead they developed their own shitty boxes instead of going with a world leader in DVR and interfaces. Why would they go with Apple when they've already dismissed Tivo and are extremely hostile when you try to get cable card service "whats that? Oh , we'll need a contract from you and a large deposit."
I'm not sure if the grandfather's post is accurate. Yes those boxes cost money but Comcast and other video providers have been very hesitant to give up the proprietary video cash cow for over the internet solutions that may cut them out of a revenue stream or make people realize they don't need to buy the "gold" package.
> extremely hostile when you try to get cable card service "whats that? Oh , we'll need a contract from you and a large deposit."
That depends heavily on the market. Comcast is internally dysfunctional. Although they've achieved significant technological unification, they have roughly a gazillion Battling Business Units serving different regions as a result of mergers and other insanity. Each is run by its own local tyrants, some of whom routinely ignore both law and corporate policy, while others behave quite reasonably. The dysfunction is further amplified because even within a single unit's region, local franchise agreements vary in details.
I'm not sure if the grandfather's post is accurate. Yes those boxes cost money but Comcast and other video providers have been very hesitant to give up the proprietary video cash cow for over the internet solutions that may cut them out of a revenue stream or make people realize they don't need to buy the "gold" package.