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Why it is in Microsoft's self-interest to have an OS that is prone to catching viruses.
1 point by amichail on July 30, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Without viruses, most people would just pirate their software, thus severely damaging the commercial software industry.

I dont understand your logic.. How could being prone to virus attacks be desirable for Microsoft? From a brand image perspective it is very bad. This is one of the major selling points Apple has over Microsoft, that OSX is less virus prone.

If you are a commercial software developer, you would like an operating system where security risks discourage users from pirating your software.

Yes, there's a limit to what users will tolerate. A system that is too insecure would not work. But the virus threat needs to be real to discourage piracy.

Ultimately, users do care about an OS with lots of software available. Many users will put up with some security threats to get that.

Hanlon's Razor applies here: "Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice."

It doesn't matter what the reason for these security issues is. Microsoft could still benefit from the current situation regardless.

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