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I'm not a Nazi sympathizer by any means, but this guy is 98 years old. There is no possible way that it would be ethical to extradite him to Poland.

The vile, seething hatred deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of people overcome all rationality. See how many even on this website seek vicious token vengeance against an old man who was not guilty of any crimes they themselves implicitly support in their own countries foreign policies and actions. There is so much historical context lost when the fat virtue signalers project their first-world peace-time morals onto a people who were subject to war, famine, hatred, degradation and humiliation. Imagine being down-voted for showing sympathy for an old man. What a disgusting pit of snakes we find ourselves in.

Why should he be treated any differently than Demjanjuk?

Geee, wondering what the victims would say about this. Oh wait..

The purpose of justice isn't to make the victims or their families feel better. That's just revenge.


Please don't do this here.

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