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I read that Israel has 4 non-profit healthcare providers, and it’s considered one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world.

I was in Tel-Aviv last year. What a nice city.

Yes. I am not an expert but from what I understand, the reason is because governments are inefficient and cough (sometimes get corrupt). Therefor the government funds the healthcare insurance companies to take care of the citizens. They do profit from other aspects so that always clashes with the non-profit side. As usual, everything in Israel is a mishmash of interests but it works for the most part. For example, they provide additional insurance (like the premiums I mentioned in the previous post) and pseudo care like acupuncture, horse riding etc... That is also subsidized if a doctor prescribe it. For example, horse riding for autisim or ADHD etc...

Not to mention the they document everything digitally and I mean everything. That gave Israel the advantage to be the first to get the immunization in COVID since Israel made a deal to provide that health digital histories for the pharmaceutical companies for further research. That was a calculated risk, but seems like it payed off...

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