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Research adds evidence to benefits of ginger supplements for treating autoimmune (medicalxpress.com)
25 points by wglb 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Would tea with some raw ginger have the same potential effect?

Autoimmune disease diagnosis is bullshit. How come these "diseases" go into remission when following a carnivore/keto diet ?

Its because the liver is saturated with retinol. The autoimmune "flare ups" are nothing but a reaction to retinol ingested during ones meal that day. The retinol stays in the blood and the cells ask for assistance from the immune system as retinol is poison. The immune system attacks the cells which are miscategorized as unhealthy/toxic/dangerous to the body.

Meat does not contain retinol. Don't consume retinol and your auto immune "disease" magically disappears. Now ask yourself after you do this experiment and see that it is true - is there a conspiracy at play here in the medical community at the top to keep millions of Americans sick?

This is very wrong. Retinol (vitamin A) only occurs naturally in foods of animal origin, with the bodies of vegans needing to manufacture it from other sources. A lack of it can cause immune system problems.

Retinol is the form of Vitamin A that comes almost exclusively from meat and other animal products. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinol

There are like 30 things wrong with this paragraph. It is almost entirely incorrect.

"how come"

Where is your research paper?

Why do you only state your research as a hn comment?

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