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I didn’t say anything about supporting, just not to mislead people.

I can't figure out what you're even trying to say.

What risk of being misled is even possible in oss?

There are junk oss put out by companies that want to claim they do oss for PR, but no one is misled by that. If the code is junk that doesn't do anything but say, shim a blob which contains the actual goods, everyone knows that, as there is no way to hide it.

There are lots of crap oss, or high quality oss who's design goals I don't like, but none of that is misleading.

There are oss where the original author changed their terms after some time, but then everyone just forks the last good version and proceeds from there.

There are companies that try to steal oss, but the original thing they try to sell is still there.

In no case is there any opportunity for misleading that I see, because regardless of anyone's thoughts or intentions, the actions are all in the open.

It's very simple, just put the project up and note: "I make a thing the way I like it". Do not paint a picture of something that you've made for public interests and actively encourage people to use it. Like when you make a fancy website and docs and benchmarks to compare to the n projects (that people depends on) before yours.

I personally would never use young OSSes, regardless of quality, but there are lots of gulible people in the software industry, not dissimilar to life in general.

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