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That's pretty much my approach for side projects: If it's not something I need and enjoy, I don't do it.

Not sure about all that artsy "expression" talk. I also truly enjoy building products someone else needs and enjoys. When the guy who pays you is the guy who wants it, I find that similarly motivating, even if I myself will never have a need for what I built there.

Now, I've also been in a different situation: Being hired by someone to work on products for other people based on research and data. I don't care, the guy who pays me doesn't care, it's all about economics: Extract the maximum amount of money from users with the least effort. That I find demotivating. I don't think it's because I can't "express myself". It's just working on something that's not primarily trying to be useful or enjoyable, it's mainly trying to get bought/used.

I find the best products are those that are built with humans in mind. Who will be using it, how will they use it, why will they like it. Products/features that are following pure research/data tend to be missing a human element and rarely feel excellent regardless of their market performance.

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