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Patreon will now leak which creators you follow by default (patreon.com)
12 points by hackermatic 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I received an "Updates to Patreon’s Privacy Policy" email this morning about new community features and member profiles.

Currently, your Patreon "public profile" does not show which creators you follow, unless you opt in.

The new "member profile", which will be enabled by default, will disclose "the communities on Patreon to which you and the person viewing your member profile both belong."

The problem is that there are plenty of adult content creators and other controversial Patreons where many people will not want to disclose their membership, even to other members. This kind of information shouldn't be opt-out, and it shouldn't be announced in a privacy policy email, because plenty of people will assume it just contains legalese that isn't relevant to them.

To disable this, access the website (it’s not in the app yet) at https://www.patreon.com/settings/account and scroll to the end and uncheck Community profile.

> disclose "the communities on Patreon to which you and the person viewing your member profile both belong."

Highly deceptive. In truth this will disclose the names of creators you sub.

Patreon earnings will beneflt from stalkers subbing to discover another patron subs.

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