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People are missing the point here. This isn't interesting because you should live on a boat, it's interesting because it demonstrates how distorted the market is.

Does it? Living on a boat means you aren't using my local infrastructure. That infrastructure costs money to build and maintain. This will of course raise the price of things close by to said infrastructure.

If you're living aboard a boat at a marina, chances are you're using fresh water, trash, and sewage at the marina; often electricity.If you leave the boat, you'll be using the roads. If you use fuel, the fuel was likely trucked to the marina on public roads.

What local infrastructure aren't you using living in one place that happens to be on the water that you would use if the place was on land.

Ahh, that makes sense. I'm just a land locked midwesterner. I confused living on a boat with like living out on the water, not docked.

Not sure it's a sign of a distorted market that an apartment costs more than something which is essentially a parking space, operated by an entity trying to sell you plenty of value-added services on top.

Why would you believe that living in a vehicle should cost more than living in a capital structure in an undistorted market?

How does it demonstrate market distortion?

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