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Amazon is sticking ads in Prime Video shows and movies unless you pay more (theverge.com)
42 points by rntn 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

ThePirateBay is not sticking ads in BitTorrented Video shows and movies no matter how little you pay

To quote Gabe Newell: Piracy is an issue of service, not price

That won't help fund the next season, or genre, or whatever you value enough to watch.

edit: I think "vote with your wallet" is the best influence for profit based entertainment, since they follow the money. Whoever is paying is who they will follow.

So if I pirate it, I won’t have to see ads on unproduced shows? Seems like a fair bargain, given the goal is to avoid the ads in the first place

Who cares? There is enough quality content out there - be it movies, shows, novels, etc - to keep someone entertained many life times.

As far as I'm concerned, we could stop making shows tomorrow and I think it would be a great improvement.

This is the last straw for me. I stopped pirating when streaming was reasonably priced. I now pay more for streaming than I paid for cable. No. I will now pirate what I want to see. If you don't want me to pirate your content, make it easily available for a reasonable price. I already pay for no ads in Amazon Prime. Adding ads and then expecting me to pay to not see them is just plain greedy.

edit: not -> now

My family spends quite a lot of money each month on streaming services, eBooks, and audio books.

If it was just me, I could be happy enough with free stuff: eBooks and audio books from my local library using Libby app; 4 free movies a month from my local library using Kanopy; Free movies on Tube with advertising.

And inexpensive options: Libro.fm for a great deal on DRM free audio books.

I wonder how they're going to handle watch parties. Do the people that pay more have to wait for the other people to watch ads? Does the whole watch party get the ads level that the watch party creator has? Do they just show ads to everyone in watch parties?

Appears like extortion.


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