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AI-generated books force Amazon to cap e-book publications to 3 per day (arstechnica.com)
3 points by isaacfrond 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Why isn't the limit more like 3 per month or even year? Maybe with a way to apply for an exemption after human review. I have a hard time seeing how anything even remotely approaching 3 per day would be legit..

I suspect the answer is that Amazon doesn't really care about AI books, as long as they sell. But the longer term damage seems inevitable: trust lost for all self-published books.

Reading three books per day already seems ambitious, let alone writing them.

I don’t care how a book was written. I care about getting value for money. I understand most of the new crop of books barely make sensen. Some quality control seems more useful.

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