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So here's the GitHub project: https://github.com/harness/gitness

How does the project already have 27k stars? Surely this was not public before?

Or do you think drone always had this product?

Looking at the forks list, it looks like they converted their old "drone" repo into the "gitness" repo:


So the stars all carried over.

The old drone link now redirects to gitness:


You are right, this PR is where they introduced git to drone: https://github.com/harness/gitness/pull/3364/

Would have been awesome to see this as a separate project, but I guess they would like to ride the drone CI wave. I like drone, unsure about including git in there

I see Gitness as the evolution of Drone. We are using the Drone pipeline engine and a ton of Drone code under the hood, but we are also adding Code hosting capabilities. And at some point, when you upgrade to the next major version of Drone, you will actually be upgrading to Gitness.

I should mentioned that we will never force you to host your code on Gitness. You will be able to use Gitness Pipelines with other code hosting providers, including Gitea.

I think the challenge with starting a new project is that it would result in Drone feeling completely abandoned because there would be zero investment going forward. We want to bring the community with us. I really do think Harness is breathing new life into the Drone project with this rebranding (12 full time developers and counting) and I am really excited to see where we are a year from now.

PS glad to hear you like Drone. I hope you will consider testing out Gitness at some point and letting us know what you think. It is still early days, but the team is making improvements daily. Hit us up in our Slack channel if there is anything we can do to help.

We felt like bringing CI and SCM together was a natural evolution for the project. It is something Brad, the creator of Drone, always envisioned. Harness and its Founder, Jyoti, shared the vision and made a big investment in making this happen. It is awesome to see this breathe new life into a great open source project

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