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The Pixel Fold’s screen repair will cost $900 (arstechnica.com)
8 points by MBCook 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

its worse than just price, its closer to total replacement item, requiring transplant of some unitized components from the original corpse.

>>You wouldn't buy this and connect it to your original phone; you would part out your original phone and move a few pieces over into this, like the motherboard, batteries, cameras, and back plate.<<

There was an article the other day that they also can’t replace screens on the pixel watches. At all. You just have to buy a new one.

I would support the weirdest Kickstarter pipe dreams just to throw some fuel into the fire of technological creativity but for the life of me I can’t figure why I would ever want a foldable smartphone with a screen 2x the size of my iPhone Pro Max

I don’t have a max, just a standard sized iPhone.

I would love to be able to unfold it to be twice as wide when surfing or maybe playing games.

But that’s impossible.

It would either have to be twice as thick, which is a deal killer, or I could have had a phone the size of my current one that’s half as thick. Which means it could be as thick as today but with more battery/power/features.

That’s not saying anything about the screen problems like having a seam or it not be perfectly flat or needing inside + outside screens.

yeah I predict this foldy-screen style of phone will die pretty quickly

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