Oh my god, thank you. I've been trying to figure out why my VM to VM bandwidth is capped at 30Gbit. I'm using multi-threaded iperf to benchmark, so it doesn't seem to be a data generation or consumption bottleneck. I'm going to have to do a bit more experimenting.
If both VMs are on the same host, is there any way to essentially achieve RDMA? VM1 says to VM2, "It's in memory at this location", and VM2 just reads directly from that memory location without a copy by the CPU?
I'm no expert, obviously, but I fail to see why VM to VM memory operations should be slower than RAM sans some latency increase due to setting up the operation.
If both VMs are on the same host, is there any way to essentially achieve RDMA? VM1 says to VM2, "It's in memory at this location", and VM2 just reads directly from that memory location without a copy by the CPU?
I'm no expert, obviously, but I fail to see why VM to VM memory operations should be slower than RAM sans some latency increase due to setting up the operation.