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if you need managed k8s on german or other european servers without us companies involved there is OVH.

Might go up in flames, though, and literally

Context: OVHcloud's data center fire: One year on, what do we know? - https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/opinions/ovhclouds-dat...

And Scaleway. (I have no experience using Kubernetes on Scaleway, I use their Elastic Metal, Managed DNS and some other smaller offerings)

We've been running Scaleway for years (Both VMs and managed k8s).

There are quirks from time to time, their disk system has been nightmarish for a while, but they've recently had a major overhaul there and we didn't really have any major complaints since. It is very decent for the price, I would say.

We looked at OVH's managed kubernetes offering but it is hideously expensive compared to, say, DigitalOcean/Vultr,

I thought they had the same deal as DO - control plane is free and you pay for nodes at the standard rate. Have I missed something?

I am considering moving our DO to ovh mainly because DO lacks fine grained IAM

its not the cheapest but its EU only which makes selling your stuff to european mid size companies much easier ;)

Haven't tested their offer, but also Vultr and Scaleway have managed Kubernetes service.

isnt vultr a US company?

Ah true! I was using some of their European locations and I forgot :P

Also TransIP (since a short while).

also there is IONOS

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