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Cruise CEO says SF should be ‘rolling out the red carpet’ (missionlocal.org)
4 points by sundaeofshock 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> Vogt, however, stuck to his guns today, saying that cities like San Francisco should be “rolling out the red carpet” for self-driving cars “if we’re serious about safety.”

> “We cannot expect perfection, there still will be collisions,” added Vogt.

If we're serious about anything, we should build trains. Trains are safe, and (much) better for the environment.

I agree with the Cruise CEO. I think SF should do everything it can to attract and retain tech companies. Ed Lee did and San Francisco boomed. His successors loved spending the money tech brought to the city like drunkards but were publicly anti-tech to win populous votes.

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