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The problem is the genuine vitriol the anti-car topic can bring out in people. The US can stand a lot of changes in public travel, i.e. it’s bullshit that I cannot take the train from one state capital to another, barring Hawaii and possibly Alaska. It’s also bullshit, however, when urbanists/“fuck car” people enter the conversation and demand we need to destroy rural and suburban living entirely. Even labeling it as anti-car is, frankly, ignorant of reality. Not even Europe is car-free, and Europe is much more dense than America. Instead of anti-car, the topic should always be pro-choice in transport, which is the real problem in the US.

I also, in general, find CO2 to be a weak argument for climate change that is normally brought up as a smoke screen for big businesses like Google or Apple, who make literal tons of unrepairable ewaste, to make them appear better than they are. Which I am not saying Framework is doing, mind you, but I find it a much less interesting metric than, say, total material waste.

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