Yeah, I see that on the desktop. Unfortunately (for me) my main interface to YT is through the AppleTV app, which doesn't let me sort by anything at all. When viewing a channel, I see several horizontal lists. The first one ("Uploads") is sorted newest-first. The rest of them are either playlists the channel owner has created, or Shorts, or other related channels.
I don't particularly care for content in my own language. YouTube would be such a nice language learning resource if it allowed search by language though.
There's actually another problem. There are how many videos on YouTube? Millions? Billions? How come search always seems to return the same 10 channels whose quality is at watchmojo levels ?
Google is definitely pushing ML or content aware search result categories as well.
Gone of the days of searching a product and hitting "News" to see news about it. It now generates search query specific headings like "Price", "Reddit", "Sale" for "4080 RTX" for example.
I actually really want to try this out but it’s not showing up for me yet. I just checked that the client was up to date too, so I guess I’ll have to check back in later or tomorrow when it propagates out to me.
What a neat little idea though! Might be cool if they could add some kind of color wheel option instead of just three primary colors.
It probably won’t be useful and I don’t really think it’ll matter if it is; but it probably will be fun for a bit. I just checked and it still hasn’t propagated to me, but knowing the types of videos I’m watching I can imagine somewhat how it will filter through the home page and present them under the umbrella of “Red”, “Green” and “Blue”. I want to see that I’m right, but since the most common type of video I play on YouTube since I leave it on in the background is “music” and I can somewhat see where the genres will line up. I’m guessing a lot of phonk music videos will rise to the top of “red” and maybe ones I’ve never seen before.
But… if it’s useful to anybody, it will probably be by drawing attention to that top bar you have to scroll through according to the article which applies different filters to your home page according to video type, genre or media type.
I’m looking at mine and I’m seeing “music”, “mixes” which are at the front and the most regularly used by me. There’s different games, or other topics, there’s “Live” and “soundtracks”, “Podcasts” which I don’t use and so is usually at the end, and way at the end right now is “Recently Uploaded” and “New to you”. I know about all of this, but how many people have no idea any of that is there? Well, some of them might pick up on it if they hear about the color filter thing and play with that. Mostly I think it will just be fun and maybe a bit of a meme.
This actually makes a lot of many video titles do you remember off the top off your head, versus some background imagery or color that predominates the video?
Unless the colour was quite strange, like eye blinding fluorescent pink or purple, I cannot imagine referencing colour. Or some background image. It wouldn't even register.
"Nope. Best I can do is ROYGBIV"
"ummm... I need your location"
That's Googlewang!