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Migrating from Unity to Other Game Engines (applovin.com)
31 points by davikr 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

This is pretty funny, given that it's published by AppLovin, a mobile ads company that tried to buy Unity for more than 17 billion dollars.

Instead, Unity merged with IronSource, another mobile ads company.

Unity is no longer focused on selling their engine. It's a vehicle to help sell more ads.

John Riccitiello, the guy who ran EA into the ground before he joined Unity as the CEO, is pretty open about this. [1]

[1] https://www.pocketgamer.biz/interview/79190/unity-ironsource...

When you see your competitor burning, mine as well throw a little more gasoline on the fire. People using engines other than Unity are more likely to buy ads from them as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Unity adopted the per install price model to strangle AppLoving because they’ll waive the fee if you use Unity’s ad network.

They seemed very desperate when they tried to “buy” Unity last year (they were really actually asking Unity to buy them)

Lol, well, Ublock Origin blocks this post's URL, so that's all I needed to know about AppLovin.

> John Riccitiello, the guy who ran EA into the ground

So that explains it. His CV's opening line must be something like "Hacker, philanthropist, love running businesses to the ground. If you want to bring about EOL to your company, look no further."

He ran EA twice. The second time the headlines were “Riccitello out but EA dangerously low on hit points” ;)

> Hacker

I think he ran a tennis ball factory before EA. He really has no background in tech..

Indeed. The entire applovin.com domain is blocked by the "AdGuard - Mobile Ads" filter that I have enabled in uBO.

I think a compatibility layer is a better approach for most things as LLMs aren't that reliable with this sort of thing, but I guess there's room for both methods

Just like facebook is giving away LLMs to hurt google, they are giving advice to hurt unity. Solid indirect fire

Good effort, LLM's can truly save the grunt work here.

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