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100% this. Which is why, as a Brit, my heart still sinks when ordering tea in most European countries: nine times out of ten you get a glass of once-boiling water to add a teabag to.

Yep, a proper cuppa needs the water at absolute boiling. 1000m above sea level is high enough that I won't even bother trying to brew a cuppa; it just won't hit the spot.

Milk is a factor. Weirdly for a country with a robust approach to pasteurisation, French milk is insipid.

In China, I couldn't even get hot enough water for coffee. The places I stayed offered water almost cool enough for a bath. I had thought I was clever, buying ground coffee in Beijing, but I might as well have carried a bag of sand.

Hey ho. Travel without privation is merely holiday.

IME holiday without a moment of privation is less memorable, and if you're travelling with others, the struggle is bonding.

If hot drinks are important to you, bring a travel kettle.

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