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I think the problem is there's very little overlap between people who are interested in this stuff, and people who are interested in what typical consumers want.

People are really focused on privacy, and even opt-in integration with nonprivate hardware and services doesn't happen much.

Convenience features gtt completely ignored, and worst of all, a huge amount of P2P stuff has no mobile support.

Furthermore a lot of it involves a self hosted single point of failure. For me that's a complete deal breaker, it's not acceptable that a service could go down because something happened to a home server while I was away.

And then on top of that, most p2p projects for about 10 years were completely impractical blockchain things that either cost money or huge amounts of bandwidth and compute.

Self hosted, with decentralized identity not tied to a domain name, with automatic backup and redundancy to a selectable cloud provider via an open source protocol, with a very high quality mobile app, and smartwatch support, etc, would be amazing.

But there's not much interest, and it basically can't be done in a UNIXy way, since a lot of the value the clouds provide is in the tight integration of everything, with voice assistants and calendars and a million little things that are individually maybe not even worth setting up manually.

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