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What makes front end development tricky (abhinavomprakash.com)
2 points by adityaathalye 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Tl;dr: The post is a step-by-step think-through of trying to create a robust "date field" component.

From the associated project repo [1]:

Project Overview

- Architecture: Single Page Application (SPA)

- Languages: Front end is ClojureScript with (re-frame)

- Dependencies: UI framework: re-frame (docs, FAQs) -> Reagent -> React

- Build tools: CLJS compilation, dependency management, REPL, & hot reload: shadow-cljs

- Development tools - Debugging: CLJS DevTools

[1] https://github.com/AbhinavOmprakash/date-field

tricky indeed

> We can rely on html input validation or write something in cljs. let’s go with cljs.

Welp there you go

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