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Just because a behavior may end up profitable for its owners doesn’t mean we should be just accepting it as a society

I 100% agree with you, but isn’t this how capitalism works?

I do notice similar sentiments to use more frequently on HN lately. Feels like people are actually aware there are problems now but unsure what’s to be done?

Random thought, but perhaps trying to enshrine "customer or consumer rights" and "employee rights" as seriously as "shareholder rights" would be a good step.

What we have now is quite literally economic apartheid. Poor people are not allowed into the same spaces, not given the same legal and ethical privileges, denied adequate education and healthcare, increasingly barred from owning property (because "markets")... among many other challenges.

The model is that you can buy your way out of this slavery if you're talented (ruthless) and well-connected enough.

Otherwise you die, and no one - at least no one who matters - cares.

> but unsure what’s to be done?

Can feel Lenin spinning in his tomb from here.

Ah yes, Communism! So successful at delivering productive happy societies that they needed walls around their countries to keep people in. Great idea.

Sorry, was a 1/2 hearted attempt at a joke about his pamphlet titled "What is to be done?", similar to the wording used in parents comment. No need to alert the inquisition here just yet.

Probably Chernyshevsky can spin a bit better, Lenin seems a bit tied down.

Apologies, I'm afraid that one was lost on me!

Capitalism! So successful at delivering productive happy societies that they need to stage coups worldwide to keep people from attempting to try alternatives and fund death squads to secure profits. Great idea.




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