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Government by the people: Iowa’s book-ban law and direct democracy (harvardlawreview.org)
3 points by hhs 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

well, it's not a "book-ban" law. It says _schools_ need to use age-appropriate and "gender-fair" books at school. This isn't Fahrenheit 451. They aren't coming and telling you what to do on your free time. Whether you agree or disagree, let's not be melodramatic.

> at school

At school libraries. And let’s not pretend these same forces aren’t active with local libraries, too [1].

The solution may be to remove the “library” designation from school book collections. The concept of a library, particularly in a republic that values freedom of thought and speech, deserves sanctity.

[1] https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173274834/book-bans-library-...

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