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There an overabundance of resources. Even zoomers know how to use google or youtube. They just choose not to.

The problem partially stems from an overabundance of those resources while lacking resources for determining the integrity of the information being shared.

Or, more succinctly: There's more noise than signal.

Considering all the YT channels that offer blatantly false advice, advice against best practice, shortcuts, "quick tricks", "life hacks"... a newcomer to the topic has no way to figure out if they should trust LTT or trust fartbrain69420 when it comes to technical advice, and youtube has degraded the quality of its search massively.

They can figure it out.

Yeah, that really seems to be working out. That's definitely not a completely ignorant view of the situation that definitely doesn't make you look jaded and unwilling to actually consider the situation and context.

You people whine and bitch and moan about the next generation sucking and not understanding tech but lift not a single finger to actually consider and solve the problem.

A gross and disappointing response to having a need for better tuned resources for kids to learn tech.

>but lift not a single finger to actually consider and solve the problem.

Not my problem.

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