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Ask HN: What development related stuff do you pay for?
14 points by andrewstuart 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

  * OpenAI
  * Jetbrains PyCharm
  * Jetbrains Clion
  * AWS Route53
  * Ionos cloud hosting
  * Cloudflare DNS
  * Cloudflare R2
  * Cloudflare Workers

I pay for Emacs using my time

I pay NameCheap for a domain name. They've been fine but I might switch for the sake of variety next time.

My main VPSes are through Oracle's free program and don't cost a dime. Rarely I'll pay for a spot instance and get it through them or AWS.

That's it, I think. I pay more for a license of Bitwig than I do cumulatively on development subscriptions.

Rider, GoLand - dev tools

QOwnNotes - note taking programming explorations

MyNoise - sounds for programming and flow states

vultr/linode/namecheap - extension to programming explorations

excel, word - organizing things, documenting software design and architectures

Hetzner, Linode, Copilot, ChatGPT Plus, Apple yearly dev fee, Apple iCloud, namecheap(!), about 25 exotic keyboards I never use, and more screens that I can ever use!

Nothing at all: everything I use is free software.

JetBrains Rider for doing C# development on a Mac.

GitHub Copilot

JetBrains PhpStorm

Aws EC2/Route 53 for self hosted projects

Docker registry/GitHub Team for CI/CD deployment

Digitalocean droplets and hosted database. I have a no AWS for personal projects rule.

Segger JLink. Digilent Analog Discovery 2.

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