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[flagged] iPhone 15 Pre-orders are live (apple.com)
8 points by AgentK20 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I've never had an iPhone before, but am making the switch. I pre-preordered (i.e selected what I wanted, a 15 Pro), and had that ready to go in my account when it went live (13:02 in the UK). Checkout process was pretty quick, just needed to sign in with my Apple ID and then confirm a couple of details. Was done by 13:04. Supposedly have a delivery date of 22nd September, but we'll see about that! A few days won't matter ironically as I'll be at PyConUK, but here's hoping.

What about this particular iPhone swayed you?

I'll be honest, I use iPhones for 10 years at this point. (the 4S really was extremely great technology for the time, retina display, skeuomorphic design, it felt quite luxurious to be perfectly honest), but now I feel like iPhones don't really offer much and this latest update is really... milquetoast.

So, I am genuinely curious; maybe there is a feature that is compelling that I'd be missing out with on going android (or windows phone) that I've become blind to.

I've had a Google Pixel phone since the Nexus 5. I switched to it from an iPhone 4 because my company was developing apps for our online service, we needed to improve our Android apps, and I wanted to immerse myself in the Android ecosystem to facilitate that. I've had a Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Pixel 2XL, and I currently have a Pixel 5. Because the Pixel 5 will be leaving Google's support window here this year, I'm looking for a new phone.

I will most likely switch to an iPhone 15 Pro. The reason for me is that my wife and kids are on iOS, and it's difficult to manage things like app approvals and family data sharing when my primary device is an Android phone. The Pixel 8 does not look like much of a jump from even my Pixel 5, so it's not compelling enough for me to stick with that line.

You're right that the two ecosystems are largely the same. There are some things I'll miss from my Android phone, though. I find the navigation on Android remarkably simpler than iOS. I find the quick-access and notification management better designed on Android. I'll miss a native Firefox app with uBlock Origin for ad-blocking. There are a few games I like that are Android-only. Specific to the Pixel 5, I'll miss the rear fingerprint sensor.

All those things are not super-compelling, though. The compelling "feature" that's causing me to switch is it's simply easier to use the same ecosystem as my family, and Android cannot provide that (and Apple won't let them).

I've been Android since day 1. But I've had a couple of people near me (in terms of age and geography) have heart issues in the last 2 weeks. So I wanted to get a watch to monitor this; I have a family history of heart problems, and have outlived my dad by 9 years at this point.

Having done a lot of looking it was either Galaxy watch or Apple. Galaxy would mean a new phone (1), and I'm not a fan of Samsung's Android interface (I've been a Moto G user for a long time, and like plain Android), so it was really that that swung it for me... and I really like having just USB-C as everything else in the house is on it... and my macbook pro has it.

Totally with you on the 15, really. Was torn and thinking about getting a 14, but the USB-C and transfer speed plus having a slightly newer SoC meaning there's more chance of getting a decent lifespan out of what is a pretty expensive purchase was the decider.

Also, I was pro-Android back in the day because you could customise it, and I've run Custom Roms for a long time. It's pretty difficult to do that now and have the things I need (banking app mainly), and it really does seem Android is just another google info-hoover now.

This does mean eating serious crow with my friends, who are ALL iPhone users, and have been forever.

(1) I know I could have the hacked version that installs everywhere, but my wife was genuinely concerned it wouldn't work properly, and she's paying for the majority of the watch as she never got my 50th present for me.

Not OP, but from a 13 Pro:

- Satellite (I hike/am out of cell coverage a lot)


- Better camera

- Always-on display (a nice to-have, not a must-have)

- 100% battery health :-)

Vs Android:

- I don't trust Google at all, data or hardware support wise, from experience.

- Apps are generally better on iOS, IMHO, although I miss the hackery apps available on Android, but I have a SIM-less Pixel 6a to play with those.

- I find the iOS experience more polished.

- iOS Shortcuts are great and well-supported. I know there's equivalents on Android but they're not as polished or well-supported by apps.

- I find the iPhone hardware quality (fit, finish, durability) is much better.

- I use AirPods and Apple Watch heavily. I'm aware that's lock-in, but I'm okay with it, for now.

Yeah, for you (and me) it is mostly an ecosystem question, but OP indicated that this would be a switch to iPhone.

Was wondering what specifically caught them about this particular generation of iphone.

Are there any well-established phone manufacturers who are consistently churning out major hardware upgrades and/or new features every year? I ask not from a pro-Apple perspective, but because it seems to me that most of the low hanging fruit for phone design is gone by now.

Typically, Apple stuff arrives on or before the posted delivery date. Under-promise and over-deliver.

iPhones virtually never deliver early, so it should arrive Sept 22, with a very high probability.

Already it's up to a 3 - 4 week wait for iPhone Pro max...

I doubt I’m going to upgrade my iPhone 14 Pro Max, but I definitely don’t need to do it on launch day.

Weak sauce.

Pro and Pro Max already backordered into October in US and China. Supply or demand?

What is interesting about this post? It's just a sad consumeristic page, I never done a reply like this, but this really has nothing of value if not as a reminder of the emptiness of modern society

They discontinued white?

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