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It can be argued, and has been upthread in the top-voted comment at time of writing, that "the dynamics of the current 'cancel culture' or whatever resemble those of the traditional religious institutions Dawkins has previously critiqued."

You can choose to accept or refuse this proposition as you will; taking it as granted, it seems proper to invoke "orthodoxy" in its literal sense of "doctrine that is generally accepted," and catechism in its original sense derived 'from Greek katēkhismos, from katēkhizein "teach orally, instruct by word of mouth"'. [0]

What is generally accepted is dependent on time, location, and culture. Consider that this submission was immediately flagged within less than an hour of its posting, implying that this article is not generally accepted within the bounds of whatever time, location, and culture we are inhabiting when we post here.

[0] https://www.etymonline.com/word/catechism

What is cancel culture and how does Budweiser fit into that picture? For what it's worth, I do not accept that cancel culture is a religion. As far as I can tell, it's a label that regressives have applied to a set of behaviours exhibited by both progressives and regressives, but is only used to refer to those behaviours when exhibited by progressives.

> Consider that this submission was immediately flagged within less than an hour of its posting, implying that this article is not generally accepted within the bounds of whatever time, location, and culture we are inhabiting when we post here.

Do the science: post a pro-transgender thinkpiece, and see how quickly it gets flagged (or more likely, how few upvotes it gets). The topic is divisive -- and despite guidelines to the contrary, we as a community aren't great at maintaining a posture of curiosity, so it gets flagged every time it comes up.

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