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> but the idea doesn’t scale.

You are wrong here.

> this is one of those “programming is a craft” things, where experience helps you determine what is right in a situation.

You are right here.

The key insight on why giant linear functions are often more readable (and desirable) is because they allow you to keep more concepts/relationships simultaneously together as a single chunk without context switching which seems to aid our comprehension. An extreme proponent is Arthur Whitney (inventor of the K language) who writes very terse (almost incomprehensible to others) code so as to accommodate as much as possible in a single screen.

Two examples from my own experience;

1) I found reading/understanding/debugging a very large Windows message handler function (i.e. a WndProc with a giant switch statement containing all the business logic) far easier than the same application rewritten in Visual C++ where the message handlers were broken out into separate functions.

2) The sample code for a microcontroller showed an ADC usage example in two different ways; One with everything in the same file and another where the code was distributed across files eg. main.c/config.c/interrupts.c/timer.c/etc. Even though the LOC was <200 i found the second example hard to understand simply because of the context switch involved.

> The key insight on why giant linear functions are often more readable (and desirable) is because they allow you to keep more concepts/relationships simultaneously together as a single chunk without context switching which seems to aid our comprehension.

The problem with giant linear functions is that those concepts get separated by sometimes thousands of lines. Separating out the high-level concepts vs the nitty-gritty details, putting the latter in functions that then get called to implement the high-level concepts, does in my experience in most cases a better job of keeping related things together.

See my other comment here : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37522577

The issue is one of Policy vs. Mechanism - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_mechanism_and_po...

It is "Mechanism" which should be separated out and encapsulated while "Policy" (aka business logic) is what is better centralized as a linear (possibly large) function.

YEAH, but the moral that should be taken from that is not "it's always better to write huge, linear functions". Rather, "there are cases where huge, linear functions make sense because of the way the code needs to interact with things". Along the same lines, there are cases where breaking the code up into smaller functions, and calling them from the main function, makes more sense".

> Linear code is more readable

^ Wrong

> Linear code is sometimes more readable

^ Better

Not quite what i was trying to convey. Linear code actually has a lower burden on one's cognitive load and thus easier to comprehend. But of course it breaks down at certain sizes (variable) which is when it makes sense to partition it into smaller pieces and apply Abstraction etc.

See for example Cyclomatic Complexity - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity

> Linear code actually has a lower burden on one's cognitive load and thus easier to comprehend. But of course it breaks down at certain sizes ...

I agree with this, but I think the combination of those two sentences winds up being "linear code is sometimes easier to comprehend, and sometimes not". The statement "linear code is easier to comprehend" is misleading. Your statement makes it seem like "at certain sizes" is the edge case; whereas, in my opinion, it's the only case that really matters. For a small enough block of code, "easier to comprehend" becomes a moot point.

> See for example Cyclomatic Complexity

I think that's only tangentially related. Cyclomatic Complexity deals with branching, which is somewhat orthogonal to refactoring out code to separate functions (though refactoring can make the branching easier to read, since it shows more in a smaller area).

> an extreme proponent is Arthur Whitney (inventor of the K language) who writes very terse (almost incomprehensible to others) code

But k has a small set of built-in commands and a built-in database; it was made for fast analysis of stock information, so with that you have everything you need and you use the same semantics. The only thing you need to know is the data structure and you can build whatever you need.

So in this way, it's very likely that, given two tables A + B and 'bunch of operations' X on A and 'bunch of operations Y' on B where Y depends on the result of X, and given the tasks to;

- create X' = X

- create XY' = X + Y

to implement XY without knowing X already exists rather than figure out X exists and reuse it.

The problem with not k (or programs written in similar style; it doesn't really matter what the programming language is), that we have learned to use the second style from the article, and, more extreme, to separate everything out in layers. You cannot even reach the data model without going through a layer (or more) of abstractions which makes it necessary not only to know the datamodel in detail but also find the matching findXinAandApplyWithYToB(). Where X & Y & A & B are often some kind of ambiguous and badly named entities. And then there is of course badly designed databases which is also quite the norm as far as we see, so there is a much lower data integrity which means that if you create something without checking all the code that touches it, that you might change something and the data becomes inconsistent.

I notice the same when working on systems built with stored procedures on MSSQL/Postgres; it is far quicker to oversee and (at least basically) understand the datamodel (even with 1000+ tables, which is rather normal for systems we work with) than it is to understand even a fraction of a, let's say Go, codebase. So when asked to do do a task XY', you are usually just not searching for X'; you are simply reading the data used in X & Y and whop up a procedure/query/whatever yourself. It's simply much faster as you have a restricted work surface; the model and sql (I know, you can use almost any language in postgres, but let's not here) and you can reason about them and the tasks at hand when you shut off internet and just use your sql workbench.

Nice post. If i understand you correctly; you are saying that K is specialized enough (my knowledge is only cursory here) that you can directly work with the data model easily rather than going through multiple layers of abstractions and hence linear code is normal. In other languages it may not be so easy to do and multiple layers of abstractions only make things harder to comprehend. True, IMO Abstraction should always follow Understanding of the Problem space and not some arbitrary dogma. What i find infuriating nowadays is "cargo culting" where people blindly follow something because they read it somewhere/listened to somebody without thinking through the motivations involved and whether it is applicable to their current problem. In other words "they don't think" for themselves. Examples are "OO is bad"(it is not), Agile/Scrum processes will magically solve all your PM problems(hell, no!), Using the latest library/framework/API/fad will magically make your system better (no!), etc. etc.

> If i understand you correctly; you are saying that K is specialized enough (my knowledge is only cursory here) that you can directly work with the data model easily rather than going through multiple layers of abstractions and hence linear code is normal.

Yes, it is often just easier to write the linear code than figure out if you can reuse anything because the space is small. I think a good 'feeling' for this is, if you need internet search/package managers/copilot etc for something or if you can just write working code sitting on a desert island, quite possibly on paper. For instance, for C, asm (arm/68k/z80/8080 and older intel), k and some others I can write working code like that for non-toy applications in specific domains. And, at least for me, those languages lend themselves very well for this linear programming. Incidentally, but not related, this is for me also the most enjoyable way of programming; I kind of really hate using libraries. That's also because we work in heavy regulatory areas where you cannot just add them; you have to inspect them and sign of on them and, of course, most of them are terrible...

Nice; you have found a niche work domain for yourself which you seem to enjoy.

May we all be so lucky :-)

PS: You might want to consider adding your contact info. to your profile.

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