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You Can Be Addicted to Weed: I Was (thefp.com)
3 points by pkdpic 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I don't know what addiction really is. But I know a lot of people that use extremely strong weed to numb out for most of the hours of the day. And I know I miss the people they were before they started using weed that way.

I also know I've smoked plenty of times and never wanted to take it that far.

>>At one point, someone asked where all his friends are today, and he said something like, “Everyone’s fine except for one who died of an overdose, but he got into the addictive drugs, you know.”

Under my breath, I said, “The addictive drugs?”

An older woman sitting next to me told me to speak up, so I did.

“I just feel like all drugs are addictive,” I said.

“Not weed,” he replied. He seemed pretty sure about this.

In my head, I was thinking, What?! But we were at a seder, and I didn’t want to be rude, so instead, I just said, “Gonna have to disagree with you there.”

And after that the old lady started applauding... Stop using anonymous made up people to provide your talking points.

So boring to see a steady drumbeat of anti cannabis here on HN. Daily articles in the feed, etc…

I use cannabis to control intra ocular pressure and it works as well as the timolol drops and without the exhaustion of the beta blocker. 3-4 points hg down for 4-6 hours as I measured it. Home tonometer offerings are scant, however I think real-time monitoring is a game changer. Aerobic exercise is also useful in lowering eye pressure

How do you consume?

Any CBD content?

Super interesting - thanks!

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