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The article seems to miss (or perhaps ignore?) the fact that there has been an incredibly massive exodus from formerly-twitter. There just literally aren’t as many people around to see/share things, which is also a contributing factor to not going viral.

Sure, but even if users dropped significantly, they're reporting a drop of multiple magnitudes for the most successful articles. An algorithmic change seems more likely than user activity dropping.


> I'm not really invested in this debate beause I honestly don't care

The irony of caring so much that one goes to the trouble of registering a brand-new HN account solely to tell people how little they care?

Citation needed


That’s pretty indicative. The blue bird app was always in the top 3.

To me that is only indicative of growth, not decline. People are downloading the app in high numbers. Comparing the downloads of the app across time relative to other apps is unscientific.

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