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It's patently bizarre that the author claims the complete stack is possible under openbsd and then says "for downloading, just sneakernet the file to the printer or use linux running on a pi" and points to a very small collection of horrendously user-unfriendly, extremely manual tools like openscad.

Would we tolerate an article that claimed OpenBSD had a complete "stack" for desktop publishing if one of the steps was "save the file on a USB stick and plug it into a windows computer connected to the laser printer" or "just connect a raspberry pi running linux to the printer"?

Would we tolerate an article that claimed OpenBSD had a complete "stack" for desktop publishing if the only option for "word processing" was emacs and latex?

Saying "Blender has been in ports for ages" is hand-wavey nonsense. Does Blender actually work in openbsd?

"Sneakernet the file to the printer" is pretty standard, to be honest. There's nothing inherently wrong with it.

To be fair, I move files to my printer using an SD card every time I use it and I'm on Windows most of the time.

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