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I have no reason to print 3d, but nice to see it working. With things like this and what I believe is all the "crazy" things going on in Linux, I think OpenBSD is a very good alternative to Linux.

For me, the next release will have something like valgrind added to OpenBSD base. IIRC you would use ktrace(1) to look for issues. valgrind is one of the very few reasons I keep Linux around.

Why it needs to be in base? valgrind is in ports, it's just a pkg_add away for installing it.

valgrind is not fully supported on OpenBSD. The notes indicate it still has issues.

But why not have OpenBSD doing its own checks ? Having that is in line with checks already there (ie W^X).

what crazy things are going on in Linux?

DRM in the kernel, X slowly being replaced by Wayland. Wayland will probably prevent Linux from running on Old Systems. Corporations now own the Linux Foundation, many windows type processes slowly bleeding into Linux. Not to mention the RHEL/CentOS thing and now RHEL is restricting source distribution.

Nothing about systemD, really?

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