Is this actually something I want to see in a configuration script? Why not just use a scripting langauge and be done with it? I wonder if the safety features can't be replicated with rigorous testing of say python as config scripts instead of learning yet another programming language?
I think this is the key fulcrum for me: "config is code", sure, but not the same kind of "code".
It -is- compelling to argue for statistically deterministic config code but my practical objection here is 'can we arrive at same safety using testing with a known language?'
Writing this has made consider whether configuration should be conceptually looked at as a database instead of "code". How many people even know how e.g. postgres stores its tables and why would modulo some performance niche would you care anyway?
It seems configuration management is a graph db query and update matter. Standardize on configuration query language (if necessary) and stop worrying how the damn thing is represented by the config management tool.
Depends on your requirements. If your config complexity is getting beyond manageable, the benefit of something more reliable is apparent. Type safety clears lots of common bugs no test suite would be certain to filter out. How complex should your tests get? Do you want to take on that responsibility or rather delegate it to something that provides you certain guarantees? It’s all very subjective in the end.
I run my configs mostly as YAML in Consul and Vault, sometimes in Spring Cloud Config with a git backend. This way I have dynamic config evolution. But I prefer to generate those yaml files from Dhall to avoid unnecessary bugs. After years with Haskell, the syntax is very natural, too.
As for Postgres internals, they do matter if your data set keeps growing.
Xkcd covered standardization. YAML and JSON ASTs are graphs, YAML not necessarily a tree. JSON extensions also support references. As for the ops side, YAML has become a de facto standard, HCL is used with the HashiCorp tools. Nix has its own language.
It’s not about how it’s represented but how you express dependencies across config key nodes. It’s good to avoid repetition and have a syntax linter, a compiler even better. Small static configs are amenable to querying and writing. But you need to separate the writing from the querying the configs. With Dhall you write code to generate the actual config, whether as a Dhall AST or exported to YAML or JSON, with certain correctness guarantees upfront.
Is this actually something I want to see in a configuration script? Why not just use a scripting langauge and be done with it? I wonder if the safety features can't be replicated with rigorous testing of say python as config scripts instead of learning yet another programming language?
I think this is the key fulcrum for me: "config is code", sure, but not the same kind of "code".
It -is- compelling to argue for statistically deterministic config code but my practical objection here is 'can we arrive at same safety using testing with a known language?'
Writing this has made consider whether configuration should be conceptually looked at as a database instead of "code". How many people even know how e.g. postgres stores its tables and why would modulo some performance niche would you care anyway?
It seems configuration management is a graph db query and update matter. Standardize on configuration query language (if necessary) and stop worrying how the damn thing is represented by the config management tool.