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I’ve had the series 3 for almost six years now. It still works fine, and even though I’m very tempted to upgrade there is no immediate need. So the lifespan of these devices is actually pretty good.

I like the Apple Watch a lot. There’s not a single killer feature in my opinion, just a bunch of small stuff that together makes it very nice. Like using it as an alarm clock without sound to not wake the rest of the family. Or timers when cooking. Or seeing how much (or more likely how little) I move about in a day. Seeing how many hours of sleep I got, taking into account my toddlers wake me up a few times every night. Having my todo list (Todoist) on the wrist, even though I’ll admit it’s pretty slow and I can’t quite get used to dictating my tasks. Seeing the weather for the day through a glance at a my wrist, to quickly know whether to bring a rain coat or not. Seeing the UV-index on a sunny summer day, to know how worried I should be about sunscreen for my kids. Seeing my schedule for the day without having to pick up my phone. Always having the phone on silent without missing calls or texts. Pinging my phone when I forget where I put it.

None of these features make the watch worth it on their own, but in aggregate it’s an amazing device and if it ever breaks down I’ll buy a new one in a heartbeat.

The aggregation of a sufficient number of small useful tools is a good point.

I wouldn’t carry a voice only phone, or a text only messaging device, or a standalone GPS, music player, or PDA. But I do find a phone that combines these pretty useful.

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