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How I CEO: On taking advice as a leader (mercury.com)
33 points by vinnyglennon 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

First time seeing Mercury but been watching the business banking space from afar for awhile now (Standard Treasury (acquired by SVB), Azlo (failed), SVB (failed)). I currently run my company on American Express business checking which offers free business checking with a very modest 1.4% yield. However it's FDIC insured not a money market fund like Mercury.

Government backed money market funds are safer if you have over $250k (well, were before SVB, now the limit is up to who you've influenced)

I'm using Chase, which has been kind of a pain to adapt to our needs, but it's JP Morgan and won't be going anywhere.

You can be fully insured on Mercury. They spread your money out at multiple banks.

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