The simplest method: look at your portfolio's worth on January 1, and take out the appropriate amount. Let the remainder ride.
So roughly:
* Year 1: take out 4%
* Year 2: Year 1 amount + inflation from Year 1
* Year 3: Year 2 amount + inflation from Year 2
* […]
* Year N: Year (N-1) amount + inflation from Year (N-1)
The simplest method: look at your portfolio's worth on January 1, and take out the appropriate amount. Let the remainder ride.
So roughly:
* Year 1: take out 4%
* Year 2: Year 1 amount + inflation from Year 1
* Year 3: Year 2 amount + inflation from Year 2
* […]
* Year N: Year (N-1) amount + inflation from Year (N-1)