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Death by a thousand microservices (renegadeotter.com)
6 points by renegade-otter 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The video is brilliant in that--that's the senior dev who leaves later, leaving a gigantic knowledge void that cannot be filled. Sure, their code is still there in git, but not the patient, maintenance-minded, roll-with-the-punches, legacy-forgiving font of wisdom that for some reason departs for other shores.

We miss you, senior devs. Your actions speak louder than words, and sometimes your feet must do what your hands could not.

Spot-on and well written, this is sadly so true in practice.

Microservices are a death by a thousand cuts. So much wasted time "distributing" the effort all over your team (ie: repeating stuff and re-architecting it all the time) and so much ineffective "debugging" in the field after broken things are released.

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