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How Elon Musk Went from Superhero to Supervillain (newyorker.com)
8 points by wouterjanl 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I understand the partisan reasoning why each side loves and hates him. I just always thought of him as a genius marketer and the guy the ideas man thinks he is. Where he knew what products and services would actually make it to that unicorn level and how to market them to investors and the public as such. Now it looks like he can't do that outside of his partisan circle.

He is a paperclip maximizer in human form, with the disposition one would expect from that sort of drive. Would've been fine if he could let his ego die and just stand on his accomplishments, but for some reason, the desire for validation and power over others can't be let go. "Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all." A cautionary tale.

Although there were plenty of signs that he was somewhat unhinged before, I get the impression that his conflict with his oldest daughter was the thing that really sent him over the edge.

Before that, lots of people really did believe his image of being a Tony Stark-level genius. Since then, he has thoroughly dispelled that myth. And not intentionally, unfortunately.

Very well written. Particularly how it weaves the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy through this. The comparison with supreme narcissist Zaphod Beeblebrox is pretty apt. Much of the societal criticism fits. The article suggests that for all his nerdiness and geek interests, Elon doesn't really seem to get it.

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