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Show HN: Free webtool to understand & review pull requests faster (codelantis.com)
8 points by losdanielos on Sept 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This looks excellent! I really like the design and I fully agree with most of the problems you’re trying to solve.

The biggest issue with code review tools is that we’re mostly all using the same one (GitHub) with no customization. We should care as much about our choice here as we do about choosing our editors/IDEs.

I’m in the same space (CodeApprove.com) and if you ever want to chat my email is in my bio.

Thanks a lot for the kind words, and I fully agree with your assessment! Wrote you an email right before I saw your comment ;)

Interesting! GitHub comment threads in code files look a little weird.

Any plans to support BitBucket as code review tool?

Thanks and you're right, comment threads look better now.

BittBucket is definitely an option if there is enough interest.

Still in early stages!

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