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2/3 Ace (Amiga Computer Expo) 2000 Bill McEwan CEO of Amiga Explains AmigaDE [video] (youtube.com)
3 points by throwmemoney 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Bill McEwan CEO of Amiga talks and demonstrates a hardware-agnostic operating system... AmigaDE (Amiga Anywhere) 21/9/2000 at ACE (Amiga Computer Expo) 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. ~1,000 people attended. The software could be run on top of another OS or natively (without any other OS)… making it very flexible. The demo includes loading the same software onto 2 different OS's without recompilation (using the same floppy). The portability was achieved by writing a small virtual (under 120KB) virtual processor so that the software always sees the same hardware/processor. The virtual processor was easy to write. The small size of the virtual processor means it had no effect on the speed of the machine... and in fact the demo's Bill shows us run much better on the virtual processor than on Windows or Linux. It is unclear how much progress was made on AmigaDE after this.. but the explanation appears similar to the one Bill gave when demoing OS5 (the ACE demo actually has a lot more detail).

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