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Ask HN: Who here is working on DARPA AICC challenge?
30 points by phdstudent 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Who here is interested in participating or already working on AICC challenge from DARPA? I'm looking for committed collaborators with expertise in Cybersecurity and Deep Learning/LLMs.

Trail of Bits opened up a full-time AIxCC role for folks who seriously want to compete. https://boards.greenhouse.io/trailofbits/jobs/4267181006

Hello, I'm planning to participate in this challenge. I have experience training/prompting and building products from LLMs, I've also participated in a few CTFs.


DARPA hosts a public Slack channel for those who are looking to partner with others to compete. You can join via this link: https://join.slack.com/t/aicyberchallenge/shared_invite/zt-2...

When I saw this it seemed you needed to qualify at DEFCON, otherwise you couldn't really participate. Is this correct?

No, this is a separate challenge and has nothing to do with DEFCON. It made sense to announce at DEFCON (read PR stunt).

Oh interesting. The poster for one challenge I saw said you had to qualify at DEFCON, then at BlackHat. Made it look like if you didn't attend DEFCON you couldn't participate.

Do you have a link?

Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge for those as confused as me. Link to a DARPA post discussing it: https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2023-08-09

hi - matroid42@skiff.com. i tried the ai village ctf (defcon 22') myself but would be interested in collabing. haven't checked out this year's yet

If you are interested in joining an existing team, please reach out to me @ michael(at)appsecure.ai.

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