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What do you do if websites are "best viewed in Chrome"?

Embrace: Embrace the open web, create an excellent product and aggressively promote it until you take over the market

Extend: Chrome experiments and advanced features that improve the user experience and developer experience through Chrome only API and Google services. Even provide these services to everyone who wants to use them free or charge so that the user expectations are elevated to that point and web businesses depend on these by building their products around them. Maybe make developers depend on this "topics" feature even.

Exterminate: Cut off or degrade the free services to 3rd party browsers, remove or tame extensions that harm your business and recoup the costs of the free services. Since you no longer have viable competition, reduce the development of Chrome any further, optimize only for profit. Developers who depend on you ad tech can choose to refuse serving users using another browser or opt out of Google verification or account services? The users will stay like they sat with IE.

IE of the 2020s.

Don't use them unless you must. The internet is a big place. Any piece of information of value can be found at its origin and no less than 10 copycat sites, one of which inevitably will work in Firefox with uBlock enabled.

> What do you do if websites are "best viewed in Chrome"?

Try Chromium?

Decide the site is too much hassle and back away?

Not always practical options, but they are options.

Why do you think that Chromium will have the Google services that websites and users depend on?

There is a huge difference between the “best viewed in Chrome” I was replying to there, and “simply won't work without Google services” that you are now asking about.

My personal answer to the goalposts in this new position: If a site refuses to work without a Google account, or if Google Ads are blocked, or without some other Google service, they are simply making it clear that I am not the target audience for their broken creation and I should mosey on elsewhere. Much like sites that refuse to work because my stalker blocking measures at home block their adverts (accidentally or, more likely, because those ads are from source that is trying to stalk me across the Internet).

As I said above: this attitude might not be practical for all, or for some all of the time. But it hasn't done me any harm thus far.

Use edge for the websites that only work in chrome.

How this helps with having the Google services that hypothetically some time in near future would ve a must have to view a website?

So because things could get worse, there's no point in doing anything?

How is using Edge on websites working only in Chrome counts as doing something?

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