It was established that the Force is a constant, distributed amongst all Jedi. The fewer Jedi there are, the more powerful each becomes because they have access to a greater portion of the whole.
I believe what the parent comment meant was that, when someone dies he/she will become "one with the force" (cosmic force) and will bring additional power to the force (living force). I forgot what comic or series I read or watched that from but that's how it worked if you watched all Star Wars, including the stupid animated ones.
No, I meant what I said, it was one of the things they changed about the way the force worked in the new movies, but I'll be damned if I can actually find a source to prove it. So there's a chance I Mandela Effected myself but I'd swear it was a thing.
Even then, assuming I'm full of shit... she's a Palpatine. Secret legendary bloodline. I hate it but it still works in universe.
They established this in Episode 1, when Qui-Gon talks about becoming "one with the force". It was implied to tie in with the Originals when the holograms of Obi-Wan and Anakin show up in the ending of ROTJ.
I'm not sure what changed with the fewer Force users thing in the new series shrug.
What?? When was that established?