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> they are oblivious to the idea that associating those cultural practices with a race is the racist part

Is the issue here that English doesn't have a word/concept like "culturism"? If there was such a word, would it be fair to call those people racist when they specifically are saying they don't care about race but cultural practices instead?

They are saying two thing simultaneously:

1. "I don't hate people because of their race, I hate them because of their culture."

2. Subtextually, "I think people of a certain race are so likely to have a certain culture I hate that I have a word for it."

Arguably, the first point is not racist. The second point, which is not stated but is certainly understood by both speaker and listener, clearly is.

If you didn't grow up in the area, the second point might not be obvious as a dogwhistle, but it's definitely there.

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