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> he actually worked to help eliminate rights for gay people in the state of California by donating money to the corresponding political campaign

Note that 52% of California voters also worked to help eliminate rights for gay people in the state, by voting for Proposition 8. As strange as it seems now, this was a very common position in 2008.

> Note that 52% of California voters also worked to help eliminate rights for gay people in the state, by voting for Proposition 8.

Yes, and those that publicly and proudly done so and were unrepentant about it would have been problematic for the role for the same reason as Eich (and, in most cases, for lots of other reasons, some more significant, as well.) “The rule you propose would also rule out lots of people who would never have been under consideration for the role” is, here, a valid observation, but not any kind of counterargument.

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