Manjaro / Plasma on a laptop here. Updated and upgraded as far as can be done prior to Uranos.
I really, really, really don't like Dolphin.
My biggest beef is it doesn't update folder contents in real time. I've done side-by-side comparisons with Thunar. Thunar's view changes immediately when you've done a file thing (like saved a file with an app or created a file in the terminal). my install of Dolphin just sits there.
We'll see about the file hiding feature. Hopefully it's just a setting that can be defeated as I find myself looking for temp and archived files on the reg.
I really, really, really don't like Dolphin.
My biggest beef is it doesn't update folder contents in real time. I've done side-by-side comparisons with Thunar. Thunar's view changes immediately when you've done a file thing (like saved a file with an app or created a file in the terminal). my install of Dolphin just sits there.
We'll see about the file hiding feature. Hopefully it's just a setting that can be defeated as I find myself looking for temp and archived files on the reg.